Mr. Everardo de Cuba founded DE CUBA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR in 1988 and has been the sole
owner to this date.
Mr. de Cuba started working with LAGO refinery in 1970. During his time at LAGO he completed several training
courses of Assistant Electrical Engineering,
relay calibration coordination.
Also numerous in basic electronics.
Facts about Mr. de Cuba:
- Internationally involved with electrical equipment coordination for LAGO.
- Obtained his local government license as a certified electrical installer in 1972.
- Left LAGO in 1985 as Certified Electrical Technician.
From 1985 to 1988, his work as an independent electrician included the following assigments:
- All current Texaco gasoline stations.
- New electrical facilities at the Reina Beatrix Airport.
- Electrical installation for Sonesta (now Renaissance) Hotel.
- Electrical installations and maintenance for Aruba Grand Beach Resort.
- Maintenance for Elmar in the Colony.
- Several residential installations.
- From 1988 to date Director of De Cuba Electrical Contractor NV